Open Platform



An open platform is a permissionless technology that allows creators to make content and applications that are not tied to a particular walled garden.

The advantage of an open platform is the ability to create something that has decentralized dependencies and is owned by the creator. The disadvantage is that tools are frequently harder to use, requiring additional systems integration or more technical work. Creators are also frequently left to find audiences on their own.

Open platforms exist in a continuum between entirely decentralized, public domain projects (e.g., the GNU Open Source software projects) to those which may be owned by a company yet do not require specific permission or distribution systems to utilize (e.g., creating PC software based on Microsoft’s Windows operating system). It also includes decentralized software based on smart contracts, as well as open standards such as OpenXR and WASM, and Web3 wallets.

Further Reading

9 Megatrends Shaping the Metaverse

The Permissionless Metaverse

So You Want to Compete With Roblox by Lars Ducet